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The function and activity of microorganisms are the key factors in understanding the quality of the animal-rearing environment. The health of animals and fishes in husbandry and aquaculture, as well as in nature, depends primarily upon their inherent resistance to microbial invasion, and the biological equilibrium between competing beneficial and detrimental microorganisms at the animal interface as mediated by the environment. In fact, there are useful and harmful microbes in the natural environment which directly affect the growth of animals and fishes.

    The methods for how to keep pathogenic microorganisms, mainly bacteria and viruses, away from animal rearing environments is one of the main concerns of people engaged in these industries. To this end, the use of artificial compound food containing antibiotics for sterilization; the filtration of water; ozonation; the use of ultraviolet light, are all commonly adopted techniques in these industries. People engaged in there tend to believe that these procedures can eventually eliminate all microbes in animal-rearing environments, and produce and maintain a nearly sterilized biotope there. However, with these treatments the occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms which cause animal disease cannot be permanently removed. For example, if the antibiotic kanamycine is added to seawater, bacterial numbers decrease for about two days, but eventually the numbers will recover to their original level in aquaculture. The same phenomena can be seen when seawater is sterilized by filtration, ozonation or ultraviolet light treatment. After such treatment certain species of bacteria grow very quickly because less antagonism among the bacterial populations is present. Furthermore, no one can anticipate what kind of bacterial species may grow in the vacant space produced by the above treatments. The prawn aquaculture of Asia and South America in a large part has not yet recovered from its collapse because of virus infection. And also, many fish diseases are spreading through aquaculture facilities in most of the world.

    In addition, antibiotics represses the growth of only bacteria but not viruses in general. In this situation, use of antibiotics promotes increasing the number of viruses because the antagonistic bacteria distribute numerously, which mainly decompose the virus outside membrane (capsid, envelopeetc.) and inactivate their infectious activities, decrease in number due to these drugs, which is one of the main reasons that virus diseases are increasing in the animal husbandry and aquaculture.

    Although people who engage in animal husbandry and aquaculture have started to realize that antibiotics are less effective, almost no alternative method of controlling disease has been found. It is therefore essential that new methods should be adopted wherein the antagonism of certain microorganisms is used to repress other pathogenic microbes, bacteria, viruses and fungi, in the environment. 

    The antagonism among microbes is a naturally occurring phenomenon through which pathogens can be killed or reduced in number in the natural environment. This method, which is called biological control or biocontrol, is already familiar in the field of agriculture. For example, the famous bacterium,Bacillus thuringiensis, which infects pathogenic insects through the mouth and eventually kills them (Kerr, 1972 & 1980), is now commercially sold in Europe and North America where several thousands of tons are in use. These positive results have extended to further studies using virus, fungi and protozoa as biocontrol agents to eliminate pathogenic organisms. This approach in animal husbandry and aquaculture is adopted in our company.

    Thus the activities of microorganisms seriously affect the growth, survival and production rates of animals and fishes. The main purpose of the research section of our company will therefore be to show how to utilize microorganisms to promote animal and fish growth, while at the same time repressing the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. To this end the ecology of microorganisms is elucidated in datail, in order to provide an all encompassing understanding of their role in animal rearing biotope and agriculture field. Isolation, cultivation and identification methods for antagonistic bacteria against pathogens are also be shown; as are methods for how to construct experimental systems for detecting useful microorganisms for the growth of husbandry animals, prawn, crabs and finfish. 

    In short, this section of our company clarifies the role of microorganisms in husbandry, aquaculture and agriculture for increasing production of animals and fishes as well as vegetables. 


微生物防治研究會會報 (The Biocontrol Association Newsletter)

經由微生物防治研究會(The Biocontrol Association)所策劃的 微生物防治研究發表研討會已順利舉行。 而研討會後發行之會訊也會陸續寄送給所有的會員參考。 最近本人受邀宮崎縣的環境衛生研究所(農畜水產品的藥物殘留檢測單位)共同參與討論藥品殘留問題對策時,屬高量藥品殘留之蜂蜜與鰻魚等產品是被高度關切的討論話題。 蜜蜂之幼蜂易患一種稱為腐蛆病之法定傳染病,一旦發病就必須進行撲滅或禁止移動的管制措施。


大多數的養蜂業者以持續投予抗生素或尚未經核准之藥劑來預防發病。利用微生物防治專業技術(Biocontrol)來進行與落實有效抑制腐蛆病之產生是我們進行中的研究項目之一。 另外,在畜產領域方面,歐洲國家禁止投予促進成長的抗生物質於培育家畜方面。 早在十年前丹麥與瑞典已共同開始禁止使用這類藥劑。反之,美國和日本卻沒有立法禁止抗生物質之濫用現況。 但面對日本消費者健康意識高漲的訴求下,民間生產者開始著手進行不使用藥劑之飼育方法。而地方自治組織亦不遺餘力的檢討並建立出一套家畜飼育手冊。 所以今後無投藥市場的擴大趨勢與訴求是明確可預見到的。



為將宮崎大學前田教授研究團隊運用微生物防治技術(Biocontrol)之有效研發成果提供給市場上迫切需求的生產及消費者。 由日本綠藻工業株式會社,宮崎大學育成中心(TLO)及前田教授合作共同將專利善玉菌種及技術商品化。 2006年9月開始提供試用品給相關業者使用,結果此商品的投與測試對象中包含真鯛等一些魚類,一般在高溫水質時活動力低下,食慾不振之問題有效的解決。 另外魚體活動力的增加、吸收效率良好、殘留飼料減少、水質乾淨,這些效果明顯可見。 隨著水產養殖現場實際的滿意測試成果與商品效果之認同,今後此孕育健全養殖魚的機能性飼料將會是生產業者們所迫切需要的商品。


新聞分享 「微生物防治製品的市場銷售趨向」   

「日本微生物防治劑協會」的設立,是製造業者組成之協會團體。 主要參與企業皆致力于有效運用自然界的微生物製品來防除農作物等受到病原菌與病蟲害之傳染與發病。成員包含Arysta Life Science(位於東京都中央區)、出光興業(東京千代田區)、Central Glass(東京千代田區)、多木化學(兵庫県古川市)等知名企業。 近幾年來消費者對「食的安全、安心」要求越來越高,日本國內也全力推動「環境保全型農業」,欲將化學農藥的使用量降低,所以今後對於運用 微生物防治法之商品需求量會持續增加。 日本國內農藥市場一年約有3500億日圓,其中 微生物防治製藥佔0.4%僅15億圓,在傳統農家對商品的認知度日漸提高下,此相關產品的販售量增加是可預期的。



北海道大學吉水守教授發現生存在牡蠣的腸管中的非病原性細菌可以利用微生物防治法來抑制病毒的活化作用,吉水守教授並發表將細菌從牡蠣中取出,植入腸管內來防除病毒的方法。 目前所使用利用海水殺菌之方法淨化牡蠣以將牡蠣的赤痢菌及大腸菌排出的效果雖然有效,但對病毒的防除卻沒作用,此 微生物防治技術可提供消費者安全、安心且更高級的牡蠣。


在鯛魚Edwardsiella tarda病的防治技術應用上

鯛魚Edwardsiella tarda病的微生物防治運用成果Edwardsiella tarda病對鰻魚的侵害眾所皆知,對比目魚及鯛魚也有此發病情形,因為投與藥劑的效果並不明顯,大多數的養殖戶都苦無對策。 為解決此病源菌所造成的損失,宮崎大學農學部前田研究室對此病原菌運用 微生物防治法來進行實驗,發現有益微生物對鯛魚的免疫能力有增加的顯著效果。



家禽家畜業幾乎是全飼養期間都在使用抗生物質來促進成長,使用量年間可達1000噸,大約是人類使用量的2倍程度。 在歐洲成長促進劑被禁止使用的原因是因院內感染有名的Vancomycia Risistant Enteroceccus(VRE)萬古黴素抗藥性腸球菌,分佈在醫院且連家畜類培育現場也有檢測到。 VRE對於免疫系統受損的人有強烈危險性,嚴重時可導致敗血症等等。 這幾年來兒童過敏患者增加,其背後被廣泛質疑的病原是全球性的藥劑耐藥性細菌的增加。 若將可抑制大腸菌病毒的有益微生物(善玉菌)與飼料混合後供家禽家畜食用,除可防除疾病侵犯外亦有成長促進的明顯功效,一舉兩得。 至於以抗生藥劑餵食家禽家畜以促進其快速成長的方法,家禽家畜的腸內有益微生物會被破壞掉,最後可能導致成長遲緩的反效果



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